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%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
import warnings
message="plotting functions contained within `_documentation_utils` are intended for nemos's documentation.",
message="Ignoring cached namespace 'core'",
"invalid value encountered in div "
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Model and feature selection with scikit-learn#
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Learning objectives#
Review how to use pynapple to analyze neuronal tuning
Learn how to combine NeMoS basis objects
Learn how to use NeMoS objects with scikit-learn for cross-validation
Learn how to use NeMoS objects with scikit-learn pipelines
Learn how to use cross-validation to perform model and feature selection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pynapple as nap
import nemos as nmo
# some helper plotting functions
from nemos import _documentation_utils as doc_plots
import workshop_utils
# configure plots some
import workshop_utils
from sklearn import model_selection
from sklearn import pipeline
# shut down jax to numpy conversion warning
nap.nap_config.suppress_conversion_warnings = True
# during development, set this to a lower number so everything runs faster.
cv_folds = 5
Load the data using pynapple.
path = workshop_utils.fetch_data("Achilles_10252013_EEG.nwb")
data = nap.load_file(path)
Extract the spike times and mouse position.
spikes = data["units"]
position = data["position"]
Restrict data to when animal was traversing the linear track.
position = position.restrict(data["forward_ep"])
spikes = spikes.restrict(data["forward_ep"])
Restrict neurons to only excitatory neurons, discarding neurons with a low-firing rate.
spikes = spikes.getby_category("cell_type")["pE"]
spikes = spikes.getby_threshold("rate", 0.3)
Place fields#
Visualize the place fields: neuronal firing rate as a function of position.
place_fields = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves(spikes, position, 50, position.time_support)
For speed, we’re only going to investigate the three neurons highlighted above.
Bin spikes to counts at 100 Hz.
Interpolate position to match spike resolution.
neurons = [82, 92, 220]
place_fields = place_fields[neurons]
spikes = spikes[neurons]
bin_size = .01
count = spikes.count(bin_size, ep=position.time_support)
position = position.interpolate(count, ep=count.time_support)
Speed modulation#
Compute animal’s speed for each epoch.
speed = []
# Analyzing each epoch separately avoids edge effects.
for s, e in position.time_support.values:
pos_ep = position.get(s, e)
# Absolute difference of two consecutive points
speed_ep = np.abs(np.diff(pos_ep))
# Padding the edge so that the size is the same as the position/spike counts
speed_ep = np.pad(speed_ep, [0, 1], mode="edge")
# Converting to cm/s
speed_ep = speed_ep * position.rate
speed = nap.Tsd(t=position.t, d=np.hstack(speed), time_support=position.time_support)
Compute the tuning curve with pynapple’s
tc_speed = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves(spikes, speed, 20, speed.time_support)
Visualize the position and speed tuning for these neurons.
fig = workshop_utils.plot_position_speed(position, speed, place_fields, tc_speed, neurons);
These neurons all show both position and speed tuning, and we see that the animal’s speed and position are highly correlated. We’re going to build a GLM to predict neuronal firing rate – which variable should we use? Is the speed tuning just epiphenomenal?
Basis evaluation#
why basis?
without basis:
either the GLM says that firing rate increases exponentially as position or speed increases, which is fairly nonsensical,
or we have to fit the weight separately for each position or speed, which is really high-dim
so, basis allows us to reduce dimensionality, capture non-linear modulation of firing rate (in this case, tuning)
why eval?
basis objects have two modes:
conv, like we’ve seen, for capturing time-dependent effects
eval, for capturing non-linear modulation / tuning
why MSpline?
when deciding on eval basis, look at the tuning you want to capture, compare to the kernels: you want your tuning to be capturable by a linear combination of these
in cases like this, many possible basis objects we could use here and what I’ll show you in a bit will allow you to determine which to use in principled manner
MSpline, BSpline, RaisedCosineLinear : all would let you capture this
weird choices:
cyclic bspline, except maybe for position? if end and start are the same
RaisedCosineLog (don’t want the stretching)
orthogonalized exponential (specialized for…)
identity / history (too basic)
Create a separate basis object for each model input.
Visualize the basis objects.
position_basis = nmo.basis.MSplineEval(n_basis_funcs=10)
speed_basis = nmo.basis.MSplineEval(n_basis_funcs=15)
workshop_utils.plot_pos_speed_bases(position_basis, speed_basis)
Combine the two basis objects into a single “additive basis”
# equivalent to calling nmo.basis.AdditiveBasis(position_basis, speed_basis)
basis = position_basis + speed_basis
Create the design matrix!
Notice that, since we passed the basis pynapple objects, we got one back, preserving the time stamps.
has the same number of time points as our input position and speed, but 25 columns. The columns come fromn_basis_funcs
from each basis (10 for position, 15 for speed).
X = basis.compute_features(position, speed)
Model learning#
Use the “LBFGS” solver and pass
{"tol": 1e-12}
.Fit the data, passing the design matrix and spike counts to the glm object.
glm = nmo.glm.PopulationGLM(
solver_kwargs={"tol": 1e-12},
), count)
to check whether our GLM has captured each neuron’s speed and position tuning.Remember to convert the predicted firing rate to spikes per second!
# predict the model's firing rate
predicted_rate = glm.predict(X) / bin_size
# same shape as the counts we were trying to predict
print(predicted_rate.shape, count.shape)
# compute the position and speed tuning curves using the predicted firing rate.
glm_pos = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(predicted_rate, position, 50, position.time_support)
glm_speed = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(predicted_rate, speed, 30, speed.time_support)
Compare model and data tuning curves together. The model did a pretty good job!
workshop_utils.plot_position_speed_tuning(place_fields, tc_speed, glm_pos, glm_speed);
We can see that this model does a good job capturing both the position and the speed. In the rest of this notebook, we’re going to investigate all the scientific decisions that we swept under the rug: should we regularize the model? what basis should we use? do we need both inputs?
To make our lives easier, let’s create a helper function that wraps the above lines, because we’re going to be visualizing our model predictions a lot.
def visualize_model_predictions(glm, X):
# predict the model's firing rate
predicted_rate = glm.predict(X) / bin_size
# compute the position and speed tuning curves using the predicted firing rate.
glm_pos = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(predicted_rate, position, 50, position.time_support)
glm_speed = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(predicted_rate, speed, 30, position.time_support)
workshop_utils.plot_position_speed_tuning(place_fields, tc_speed, glm_pos, glm_speed);
How to know when to regularize?#
How do we decide when to use regularization?
Cross-validation allows you to fairly compare different models on the same dataset.
NeMoS makes use of scikit-learn, the standard machine learning library in python.
Define parameter grid to search over.
Anything not specified in grid will be kept constant.
param_grid = {
"regularizer": ["UnRegularized", "Ridge"],
Initialize scikit-learn’s
cv = model_selection.GridSearchCV(glm, param_grid, cv=cv_folds)
We interact with this in a very similar way to the glm object.
In particular, call
with same arguments:, count)
We got a warning because we didn’t specify the regularizer strength, so we just fell back on default value.
Let’s investigate results:
You could (and generally, should!) investigate regularizer_strength
, but we’re skipping for simplicity. To do this properly, use a slightly different syntax for param_grid
(list of dictionaries, instead of single dictionary)
param_grid = [
{"regularizer": [nmo.regularizer.UnRegularized()]},
{"regularizer": [nmo.regularizer.Ridge()],
"regularizer_strength": [1e-6, 1e-3, 1]}
You can (and should) do something similar to determine how many basis functions you need for each input.
NeMoS basis objects are not scikit-learn-compatible right out of the box.
But we have provided a simple method to make them so:
position_basis = nmo.basis.MSplineEval(n_basis_funcs=10).to_transformer()
# or equivalently:
position_basis = nmo.basis.TransformerBasis(nmo.basis.MSplineEval(n_basis_funcs=10))
This gives the basis object the
method, which is equivalent tocompute_features
.However, transformers have some limits:
Transformers only accept 2d inputs, whereas nemos basis objects can accept inputs of any dimensionality.
In order to tell nemos how to reshape the 2d matrix that is the input of
to whatever the basis accepts, you need to callset_input_shape
# can accept array
# int
# tuple
Then you can call transform on the 2d input as expected.
# input needs to be 2d, so use expand_dims
position_basis.transform(np.expand_dims(position, 1))
You can, equivalently, call
before turning the basis into a transformer. Then we cache the shape for future use:
position_basis = nmo.basis.MSplineEval(n_basis_funcs=10)
position_basis = position_basis.to_transformer()
speed_basis = nmo.basis.MSplineEval(n_basis_funcs=15).to_transformer().set_input_shape(1)
basis = position_basis + speed_basis
Create a single TsdFrame to hold all our inputs:
transformer_input = nap.TsdFrame(
d=np.stack([position.d, speed.d], 1),
columns=["position", "speed"],
Pass this input to our transformed additive basis:
If we want to cross-validate over the basis, we need more one more step: combining the basis and the GLM into a single scikit-learn estimator.
Pipelines to the rescue!
pipe = pipeline.Pipeline([
("basis", basis),
("glm", glm)
Pipeline runs
, then passes that output toglm
, so we can do everything in a single line:, count)
Visualize model predictions!
visualize_model_predictions(pipe, transformer_input)
Cross-validating on the basis#
Now that we have our pipeline estimator, we can cross-validate on any of its parameters!
Let’s cross-validate on:
The number of the basis functions of the position basis
The functional form of the basis for speed
, using__
to stand in for.
param_grid = {
"basis__basis1__n_basis_funcs": [5, 10, 20],
"basis__basis2": [nmo.basis.MSplineEval(15).set_input_shape(1),
Cross-validate as before:
cv = model_selection.GridSearchCV(pipe, param_grid, cv=cv_folds), count)
Investigate results:
These results are more complicated, so let’s use pandas dataframe to make them a bit more understandable:
cv_df = pd.DataFrame(cv.cv_results_)
# helper function for visualization
Can easily grab the best estimator, the pipeline that did the best:
best_estim = cv.best_estimator_
Visualize model predictions!
visualize_model_predictions(best_estim, transformer_input)
Feature selection#
Now one more thing we can do with scikit-learn!
object has a feature mask, which allows us to exclude certain parts of the inputFeature mask shape:
(number of columns in the design matrix) byn_neurons
(number of neurons we’re trying to predict)(By default, everything is included.)
We could manually edit feature mask, but have some helper functions – these are currently being developed, so any feedback is appreciated!
By default, we include all features:
m = workshop_utils.create_feature_mask(pipe["basis"], n_neurons=count.shape[1])
Make use of our additive basis to figure out the structure in the input
Can selectively remove some of the features:
m = workshop_utils.create_feature_mask(pipe["basis"], ["all", "none"], n_neurons=count.shape[1])
Can construct a set of feature masks that includes / excludes each of the sets of inputs:
feature_masks = [
workshop_utils.create_feature_mask(basis, "all", n_neurons=count.shape[1]),
workshop_utils.create_feature_mask(basis, ["all", "none"], n_neurons=count.shape[1]),
workshop_utils.create_feature_mask(basis, ["none", "all"], n_neurons=count.shape[1]),
workshop_utils.plot_feature_mask(feature_masks, ["All", "Position", "Speed"]);
One more wrinkle: the shape of this feature mask depends on the number of basis functions!
Thus, must create a new feature mask for each possible arrangement:
param_grid = workshop_utils.create_feature_mask_paramgrid(basis, [5, 10, 20],
[8, 16, 32], count.shape[1])
Initialize and fit GridSearchCV
cv = model_selection.GridSearchCV(best_estim, param_grid, cv=cv_folds), count)
Investigate results using pandas
cv_df = pd.DataFrame(cv.cv_results_)
For our own sanity, let’s create an easier-to-read label:
# create a custom label to make the results easier to parse
def label_feature_mask(x):
mask = x.param_glm__feature_mask
if mask.sum() / == 1:
return "all"
elif mask[0,0] == 1:
return "position"
return "speed"
cv_df['feature_mask_label'] = cv_df.apply(label_feature_mask, 1)
And visualize:
workshop_utils.plot_heatmap_cv_results(cv_df, "feature_mask_label", columns="param_basis__basis2__n_basis_funcs")
From the above plots, we can see that:
Position matters more than speed.
Number of basis functions for speed doesn’t matter much.
We don’t need many basis functions to represent the position.
Visualize model predictions!
visualize_model_predictions(cv.best_estimator_, transformer_input)
The data in this tutorial comes from Grosmark, Andres D., and György Buzsáki. “Diversity in neural firing dynamics supports both rigid and learned hippocampal sequences.” Science 351.6280 (2016): 1440-1443.