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git-collaborative: quick reference

Other cheatsheets

See the git-intro cheatsheet for the basics.


  • remote: Roughly, another git repository on another computer. A repository can be linked to several other remotes.
  • push: Send a branch from your current repository to another repository
  • fetch: Update your view of another repository
  • pull: Fetch (above) and then merge
  • origin: Default name for a remote repository.
  • origin/NAME: A branch name which represents a remote branch.
  • master: Default name for main branch.
  • merge: Combine the changes on two branches.
  • conflict: When a merge has changes that affect the same lines, git can not automatically figure out what to do. It presents the conflict to the user to resolve.
  • issue: Feature of web repositories that allows discussion related to a repository.
  • pull request: A Github/Gitlab feature that allows you to send a code suggestion using a branch, which allows one-button merging. In Gitlab, called “merge request”.
  • git hook: Code that can run before or after certain actions, for example to do tests before allowing you to commit.
  • bare repository: A copy of a repository that only is only the .git directory: there are no files actually checked out. Directory names usually like something.git

Commands we use

This excludes most introduced in the git-intro cheatsheet.


  • git clone <url> [<target-directory>]: Make a copy of existing repository at <url>, containing all history.


  • git status: Same as in basic git, list status
  • git remote [-v]: List all remotes
  • git graph: see a detailed graph of commits. Create this command with git config --global alias.graph "log --all --graph --decorate --oneline"

General work:

  • git checkout <branch-name>: Make a branch active.
  • git push [<remote-name>] [<branch>:<branch>]: Send commits and update the branch on the remote.
  • git pull [<remote-name>] [<branch-name>]: Fetch and then merge automatically. Can be convenient, but to be careful you can fetch and merge separately.
  • git fetch [<remote-name>]: Get commits from the remote. Doesn’t update local branches, but updates the remote tracking branches (like origin/NAME).
  • git merge [<branch-name>]: Updates your current branch with changes from another branch. By default, merges to the branch is is tracking by default.
  • git remote add <remote-name> <url>: Adds a new remote with a certain name.