Hybridization fitting

adapol.hybfit.hybfit(Delta, iwn_vec, tol=None, Np=None, svdtol=1e-07, solver='lstsq', maxiter=500, mmin=4, mmax=50, verbose=False)[source]

The function for hybridization fitting.


  • Fitting with \(N_p\) poles:

    hybfit(Delta, iwn_vec, Np = Np)

  • Fitting with fixed error tolerance tol :

    hybfit(Delta, iwn_vec, tol = tol)


Delta: np.array, \((N_w, N_\mathrm{orb}, N_\mathrm{orb})\)

The input hybridization function in Matsubara frequency.

iwn_vec: np.array, \((N_w)\)

The Matsubara frequency vector, complex-valued

svdtol: float, optional

Truncation threshold for bath orbitals while doing SVD of weight matrices in hybridization fitting default:1e-7

tol, Np, solver, maxiter, mmin, mmax, verbose:

see below in anacont


bathenergy \(E\): np.array, \((N_b)\)

Bath energy

bathhyb \(V\): np.array, \((N_b,N_{\mathrm{orb}})\)

Bath hybridization

final_error: float

final fitting error

func: function

Hybridization function evaluator \(f(z) = \sum_n V_{ni}V_{nj}^*/(z-E_n).\)

Analytic continuation

adapol.anacont.anacont(Delta, iwn_vec, tol=None, Np=None, solver='lstsq', maxiter=500, mmin=4, mmax=50, verbose=False)[source]

The function for analytical continuation.


  • Analytic continuation with \(N_p\) poles:

    func = anacont(Np = Np)

  • Fitting with fixed error tolerance tol:

    func = anacont(tol = tol)

  • Analytic continuation with improved accuracy:

    fitting(Np = Np, flag = flag, solver = "sdp")


Delta: np.array, \((N_w, N_\mathrm{orb}, N_\mathrm{orb})\)

The input hybridization function in Matsubara frequency.

iwn_vec: np.array, \((N_w,)\)

The Matsubara frequency vector, complex-valued

tol: Fitting error tolreance, float

If tol is specified, the fitting will be conducted with fixed error tolerance tol. default: None

Np: number of poles, integer

If Np is specified, the fitting will be conducted with fixed number of poles Np. default: None Np needs to be an odd integer, and number of supoort points is Np + 1.

solver: string

The solver that is used for optimization. choices: “lstsq”, “sdp” default: “lstsq”

maxiter: int

maximum number of iterations default: 500

mmin, mmax: number of minimum or maximum poles, integer

default: mmin = 4, mmax = 50 if tol is specified, mmin and mmax will be used as the minimum and maximum number of poles. if Np is specified, mmin and mmax will not be used.

verbose: bool

whether to display optimization details default: False


func: function

Analytic continuation function: \(f(z) = \sum_n \mathrm{Weight}[n]/(z-\mathrm{pol}[n]).\)

fitting_error: float

fitting error

pol: np.array, \((N_p,)\)

poles obtained from fitting

weight: np.array, \((N_p, N_\mathrm{orb}, N_\mathrm{orb})\)

weights obtained from fitting

TRIQS interface

adapol.hybfit.hybfit_triqs(Delta_triqs, tol=None, Np=None, svdtol=1e-07, solver='lstsq', maxiter=500, mmin=4, mmax=50, verbose=False, debug=False)[source]

The triqs interface for hybridization fitting. The function requires triqs package in python.


  • Fitting with \(N_p\) poles:

    hybfit_triqs(delta_triqs, Np = Np)

  • Fitting with fixed error tolerance tol :

    hybfit_triqs(delta_triqs, tol = tol)


Delta_triqs: triqs Green’s function container

The input hybridization function in Matsubara frequency

debug: bool

return additional outputs for debugging. Default: False

svdtol: float, optional

Truncation threshold for bath orbitals while doing SVD of weight matrices in hybridization fitting default: 1e-7

tol, Np, solver, maxiter, mmin, mmax, verbose:

same as in hybfit


bathhyb: np.array \((N_b, N_\mathrm{orb})\)

Bath hybridization

bathenergy: np.array \((N_b,)\)

Bath energy

Delta_fit: triqs Gf or BlockGf

Discretized hybridization function The input hybridization function in Matsubara frequency

if debug is True:
final_error: float

final fitting error

weight: np.array \((N_p, N_\mathrm{orb}, N_\mathrm{orb})\)

weights obtained from fitting

adapol.anacont.anacont_triqs(Delta_triqs, tol=None, Np=None, solver='lstsq', maxiter=500, mmin=4, mmax=50, verbose=False, debug=False)[source]

The triqs interface for analytical continuation. The function requires triqs package in python.


Delta_triqs: triqs Green’s function container

The input hybridization function in Matsubara frequency

debug: bool

return additional outputs for debugging. Default: False

tol, Np, solver, maxiter, mmin, mmax, verbose:

same as in anacont


func: function

Analytic continuation function: \(f(z) = \sum_n \mathrm{Weight}[n]/(z-\mathrm{pol}[n]).\)

if debug == True:
fitting_error: float

fitting error

pol: np.array, \((N_p,)\)

poles obtained from fitting

weight: np.array, \((N_p, N_\mathrm{orb}, N_\mathrm{orb})\)

weights obtained from fitting