Compiling from source


It is not always necessary to install c2py, as it can be fetched by an application using it as a dependency during its own compilation process, cf CMake integration.


  1. Download the source code of the latest stable version by cloning the clair repository from GitHub:

    $ git clone clair.src
  2. [Optional] If you want a particular version, check it out, e.g. (use git tag to see the available versions):

    $ git checkout v0.1
  3. Call cmake, including any additional custom CMake options, see below:

    $ cmake -B -S clair.src -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path_to_clair_install_dir
  4. Compile the code, run the tests and install the application (here with 8 cores, change accordingly):

    $ cd
    $ make -j 8
    $ ctest -j 8
    $ make -j 8 install


To install c2py, follow the same procedure as for clair, replacing clair by c2py.


clair and c2py must use the same version.

  1. Download the source code of the latest stable version by cloning the c2py repository from GitHub:

    $ git clone c2py.src
  2. [Optional] If you want a particular version, check it out, e.g. (use git tag to see the available versions):

    $ git checkout v0.1
  3. Call cmake, including any additional custom CMake options, see below:

    $ cmake -B -S c2py.src -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path_to_c2py_install_dir
  4. Compile the code, run the tests and install the application (here with 8 cores, change accordingly):

    $ cd
    $ make -j 8
    $ ctest -j 8
    $ make -j 8 install

CMake options

The following CMake-options are available for clair:

cmake ...  -DOPTION1=value1 -DOPTION2=value2



Build the documentation


Set environment variables

To load the proper paths into your current shell environment use:

$ source path_to_clair_install_dir/share/clair/
$ source path_to_c2py_install_dir/share/c2py/