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Combining and comparing models.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pynapple as nap
from workshop_utils import fetch_data, plotting
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

import nemos as nmo

Data Streaming

Here we load the data from OSF. The data is a NWB file.

path = fetch_data("Achilles_10252013.nwb")


We are going to open the NWB file with pynapple

data = nap.load_file(path)


Let's extract the spike times, the position and the theta phase.

spikes = data["units"]
position = data["position"]
theta = data["theta_phase"]

The NWB file also contains the time at which the animal was traversing the linear track. We can use it to restrict the position and assign it as the time_support of position.

position = position.restrict(data["trials"])

The recording contains both inhibitory and excitatory neurons. Here we will focus of the excitatory cells. Neurons have already been labelled before.

spikes = spikes.getby_category("cell_type")["pE"]

We can discard the low firing neurons as well.

spikes = spikes.getby_threshold("rate", 0.3)

Place fields

Let's plot some data. We start by making place fields i.e. firing rate as a function of position.

pf = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves(spikes, position, 50, position.time_support)

Let's do a quick sort of the place fields for display

order = pf.idxmax().sort_values().index.values

Here each row is one neuron

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
gs = plt.GridSpec(len(spikes), 1)
for i, n in enumerate(order):
    plt.subplot(gs[i, 0])
    plt.fill_between(pf.index.values, np.zeros(len(pf)), pf[n].values)
    if i < len(spikes) - 1:
        plt.xlabel("Position (cm)")

Phase precession

In addition to place modulation, place cells are also modulated by the theta oscillation. The phase at which neurons fire is dependant of the position. This phenomen is called "phase precession" (see J. O’Keefe, M. L. Recce, "Phase relationship between hippocampal place units and the EEG theta rhythm." Hippocampus 3, 317–330 (1993).

Let's compute the response of the neuron as a function of both theta and position. The phase of theta has already been computed but we have to bring it to the same dimension as the position feature. While the position has been sampled at 40Hz, the theta phase has been computed at 1250Hz. Later on during the analysis, we will use a bin size of 5 ms for counting the spikes. Since this corresponds to an intermediate frequency between 40 and 1250 Hz, we will bring all the features to 200Hz already.

bin_size = 0.005

theta = theta.bin_average(bin_size, position.time_support)
theta = (theta + 2 * np.pi) % (2 * np.pi)

data = nap.TsdFrame(
        (position.interpolate(theta, ep=position.time_support).values, theta.values)
    columns=["position", "theta"],


data is a TsdFrame that contains the position and phase. Before calling compute_2d_tuning_curves from pynapple to observe the theta phase precession, we will restrict the analysis to the place field of one neuron.

There are a lot of neurons but for this analysis, we will focus on one neuron only.

neuron = 175

plt.fill_between(pf[neuron].index.values, np.zeros(len(pf)), pf[neuron].values)
plt.xlabel("Position (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Firing rate (Hz)")

This neurons place field is between 0 and 60 cm within the linear track. Here we will use the threshold function of pynapple to quickly compute the epochs for which the animal is within the place field :

within_ep = position.threshold(60.0, method="below").time_support

within_ep is an IntervalSet. We can now give it to compute_2d_tuning_curves along with the spiking activity and the position-phase features.

tc_pos_theta, xybins = nap.compute_2d_tuning_curves(spikes, data, 20, within_ep)

To show the theta phase precession, we can also display the spike as a function of both position and theta. In this case, we use the function value_from from pynapple.

theta_pos_spikes = spikes[neuron].value_from(data, ep = within_ep)

Now we can plot everything together :

gs = plt.GridSpec(2, 2)
plt.subplot(gs[0, 0])
plt.fill_between(pf[neuron].index.values, np.zeros(len(pf)), pf[neuron].values)
plt.xlabel("Position (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Firing rate (Hz)")

plt.subplot(gs[1, 0])
extent = (xybins[0][0], xybins[0][-1], xybins[1][0], xybins[1][-1])
plt.imshow(gaussian_filter(tc_pos_theta[neuron].T, 1), aspect="auto", origin="lower", extent=extent)
plt.xlabel("Position (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Theta Phase (rad)")

plt.subplot(gs[1, 1])
plt.plot(theta_pos_spikes["position"], theta_pos_spikes["theta"], "o", markersize=0.5)
plt.xlabel("Position (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Theta Phase (rad)")


Speed modulation

The speed at which the animal traverse the field is not homogeneous. Does it influence the firing rate of hippocampal neurons? We can compute tuning curves for speed as well as average speed across the maze. In the next block, we compute the speed of the animal for each epoch (i.e. crossing of the linear track) by doing the difference of two consecutive position multiplied by the sampling rate of the position.

speed = []
for s, e in data.time_support.values: # Time support contains the epochs
    pos_ep = data["position"].get(s, e)
    speed_ep = np.abs(np.diff(pos_ep)) # Absolute difference of two consecutive points
    speed_ep = np.pad(speed_ep, [0, 1], mode="edge") # Adding one point at the end to match the size of the position array
    speed_ep = speed_ep * data.rate # Converting to cm/s

speed = nap.Tsd(t=data.t, d=np.hstack(speed), time_support=data.time_support)

Now that we have the speed of the animal, we can compute the tuning curves for speed modulation. Here we call pynapple compute_1d_tuning_curves:

tc_speed = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves(spikes, speed, 20)

To assess the variabilty in speed when the animal is travering the linear track, we can compute the average speed and estimate the standard deviation. Here we use numpy only and put the results in a pandas DataFrame:

bins = np.linspace(np.min(data["position"]), np.max(data["position"]), 20)

idx = np.digitize(data["position"].values, bins)

mean_speed = np.array([np.mean(speed[idx==i]) for i in np.unique(idx)])
std_speed = np.array([np.std(speed[idx==i]) for i in np.unique(idx)])

Here we plot the tuning curve of one neuron for speed as well as the average speed as a function of the animal position

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
plt.plot(bins, mean_speed)
    mean_speed - std_speed,
    mean_speed + std_speed,
plt.xlabel("Position (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Speed (cm/s)")
plt.title("Animal speed")
    tc_speed.index.values, np.zeros(len(tc_speed)), tc_speed[neuron].values
plt.xlabel("Speed (cm/s)")
plt.ylabel("Firing rate (Hz)")
plt.title("Neuron {}".format(neuron))

This neurons show a strong modulation of firing rate as a function of speed but we can also notice that the animal, on average, accelerates when travering the field. Is the speed tuning we observe a true modulation or spurious correlation caused by traversing the place field at different speed and for different theta phase? We can use NeMoS to model the activity and give the position, the phase and the speed as input variable.

We will use speed, phase and position to model the activity of the neuron. All the feature have already been brought to the same dimension thanks to pynapple.

position = data["position"]
theta = data["theta"]
count = spikes[neuron].count(bin_size, data.time_support)


Basis evaluation

There are multiple features for this experiment that can explain the spiking activity i.e. position, theta and speed.

Question:Can you instantiate the right basis for each feature and call them respectively position_basis, theta_basis, speed_basis?

position_basis = nmo.basis.MSplineBasis(n_basis_funcs=10)
phase_basis = nmo.basis.CyclicBSplineBasis(n_basis_funcs=12)
speed_basis = nmo.basis.MSplineBasis(n_basis_funcs=15)

Hippocampal place cells fires both in at a preferential phase for a particular position as seen above. To model this interaction, you need to combine basis with NeMoS.

Question: Can you create a new basis that is the product of phase_basis and position_basis?

position_phase_basis = position_basis * phase_basis

This basis set can be used to generate a design matrix.

Question: Using the right features, can you generate the right design matrix from the basis defined above?

X1 = position_phase_basis(position, theta)


X1 is our design matrix. It's time to learn our first model.

Model learning

Question: Can you instantiate an unregularized GLM class with LBFGS as a solver?

glm1 = nmo.glm.GLM(
    regularizer=nmo.regularizer.UnRegularized("LBFGS", solver_kwargs=dict(tol=10**-12))

We can create a train set and test set out of count time support.

# {.keep-code}

ep_training = count.time_support[::2]
ep_testing = count.time_support[1::2]

Question: Can you fit the model on the train set?, count.restrict(ep_training))


It's time to predict some activity and see if we capture the position and phase interaction.

Question: Using the predict function of NeMoS, can you compute the firing in spikes per second?

pred_rate_1 = glm1.predict(X1.restrict(ep_training))/bin_size

We can compute a tuning curves from the predicted rate.

Question: Using the right pynapple function, can you compute a 2D tuning curves of "phase x position" and call it pred1_position_phase? Note: the variable data contains both phase and position as a TsdFrame.

pred1_position_phase, xybins = nap.compute_2d_tuning_curves_continuous(
    pred_rate_1, data, 30, ep=within_ep

We can compare this to the observed phase-position tuning curves.

# {.keep-code}

extent = (xybins[0][0], xybins[0][-1], xybins[1][0], xybins[1][-1])

plt.figure(figsize = (15,4))
plt.title("Raw Tuning")
plt.imshow(gaussian_filter(tc_pos_theta[neuron].T, 1), aspect="auto", origin="lower", extent=extent)
plt.xlabel("Position (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Theta Phase (rad)")

plt.title("GLM 1 predicted Tuning")
plt.imshow(gaussian_filter(np.transpose(pred1_position_phase[0]), 1), aspect="auto", origin="lower", extent=extent)
plt.xlabel("Position (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Theta Phase (rad)")


While this looks good, we can look at position and speed individually.

Question: Using the right pynapple function, can you compute 1D tuning curves for position (call it pred1_position)?

pred1_position = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(pred_rate_1, position, 50)

Question: ... and speed (call it pred1_speed)?

pred1_speed = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(pred_rate_1, speed, 20)

We can plot them next to the original tuning curves?

# {.keep-code}
plt.figure(figsize = (15,4))

plt.ylabel("rate (Hz)")
plt.plot(pf[neuron], label='raw')
plt.plot(pred1_position, label='GLM1')

plt.plot(tc_speed[neuron], label='raw')
plt.plot(pred1_speed, label = 'GLM1')

Even if we did not include explicitly speed as a regression we can capture some tuning. Why is that?

Let's include the speed as a predictor to see if we get a qualitatively better match.

Question: Can you define a new basis that captures the effect of speed? (tip: add an extra basis)

basis = position_phase_basis + speed_basis

Question: Can you use the basis to create a new design matrix call X2 giving position, theta and speed variables?

X2 = basis(position, theta, speed)

Question: Can you instantiate an unregularized GLM model called glm2?

glm2 = nmo.glm.GLM(
    regularizer=nmo.regularizer.UnRegularized("LBFGS", solver_kwargs=dict(tol=10**-12))

Question: .. and fit it restricted to ep_training?, count.restrict(ep_training))

Question: Can you predict firing rate of glm2 for ep_training and call it pred_rate_2?

pred_rate_2 = glm2.predict(X2.restrict(ep_training))/bin_size

It's time to compare the tuning curves of glm2 to the actual tuning for speed and position.

Question: Using the right pynapple function, can you compute the tuning curves for position and speed for the predicted firing rate of glm2 (and call them pred2_position and pred2_speed)?

pred2_position = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(pred_rate_2, position, 50)
pred2_speed = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(pred_rate_2, speed, 20)

We can compare models with the original tuning curves.

# {.keep-code}

plt.figure(figsize = (12, 5))

plt.ylabel("rate (Hz)")
plt.plot(pred1_position, label="position x phase")
plt.plot(pred2_position, label="position x phase + speed")

plt.plot(pred1_speed, label="position x phase")
plt.plot(pred2_speed, label="position x phase + speed")

How do we make this quantitative?

Question: can you use the score method of GLM to check which model has a better score on the test epochs?

Note: Use the score_type='pseudo-r2-McFadden' argument to get a score normalized between 0 and 1, the larger, the better.

print(f"position x phase score: {glm1.score(X1.restrict(ep_testing), count.restrict(ep_testing), score_type='pseudo-r2-McFadden')}")
print(f"position x phase + speed score: {glm2.score(X2.restrict(ep_testing), count.restrict(ep_testing), score_type='pseudo-r2-McFadden')}")


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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