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Learning the fundamentals of pynapple

Learning objectives

  • Instantiate the pynapple objects
  • Make the pynapple objects interact
  • Use numpy with pynapple
  • Slicing pynapple objects
  • Learn the core functions of pynapple
  • Extras : pynajax

The pynapple documentation can be found here.

The documentation for objects and method of the core of pynapple is here.

Let's start by importing the pynapple package and matplotlib to see if everything is correctly installed. If an import fails, you can do !pip install pynapple matplotlib in a cell to fix it.

import pynapple as nap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

For this notebook we will work with fake data. The following cells generate a set of variables that we will use to create the different pynapple objects.

var1 = np.random.randn(100) # Variable 1
tsp1 = np.arange(100) # The timesteps of variable 1

var2 = np.random.randn(100, 3) # Variable 2
tsp2 = np.arange(0, 100, 1) # The timesteps of variable 20
col2 = ['potato', 'banana', 'tomato'] # The name of each columns of var2

var3 = np.random.randn(1000, 4, 5) # Variable 3
tsp3 = np.arange(0, 100, 0.1) # The timesteps of variable 3

random_times_1 = np.array([3.14, 37.0, 42.0])
random_times_2 = np.array([10, 25, 50, 70])
random_times_3 = np.sort(np.random.uniform(10, 80, 100))

starts_1 = np.array([10000, 60000, 90000]) # starts of an epoch in `ms`
ends_1 = np.array([20000, 80000, 95000]) # ends in `ms`

Instantiate pynapple objects

This is a lot of variables to carry around. pynapple can help reduce the size of the workspace. Here we will instantiate all the different pynapple objects with the variables created above.

Let's start with the simple ones.

Question: Can you instantiate the right pynapple objects for var1, var2 and var3? Objects should be named respectively tsd1, tsd2 and tsd3. Don't forget the column name for var2.

tsd1 = nap.Tsd(t=tsp1, d=var1)
tsd2 = nap.TsdFrame(t=tsp2, d=var2, columns = col2)
tsd3 = nap.TsdTensor(t=tsp3, d=var3)

Question: Can you print tsd1?


Question: Can you print tsd2?


Question: Can you print tsd3?


Question: Can you create an IntervalSet called ep out of starts_1 and ends_1 and print it? Be careful, times given above are in ms.

ep = nap.IntervalSet(start=starts_1, end=ends_1, time_units='ms')

The experiment generated a set of timestamps from 3 different channels.

Question: Can you instantiate the corresponding pynapple object (ts1, ts2, ts3) for each one of them?

ts1 = nap.Ts(t=random_times_1)
ts2 = nap.Ts(t=random_times_2)
ts3 = nap.Ts(t=random_times_3)

This is a lot of timestamps to carry around as well.

Question: Can you instantiate the right pynapple object (call it tsgroup) to group them together?

tsgroup = nap.TsGroup({0:ts1, 1:ts2, 2:ts3})

Question: ... and print it?


Interaction between pynapple objects

We reduced 12 variables in our workspace to 5 using pynapple. Now we can see how the objects interact.

Question: Can you print the time_support of tsgroup?


The experiment ran from 0 to 100 seconds and as you can see, the TsGroup object shows the rate. But the rate is not accurate as it was computed over the default time_support.

Question: can you recreate the tsgroup object passing the right time_support during initialisation?

tsgroup = nap.TsGroup({0:ts1, 1:tsd2, 2:ts3}, time_support = nap.IntervalSet(0, 100))

Question: Can you print the time_support and rate to see how they changed?


Now you realized the variable tsd1 has some noise. The good signal is between 10 and 30 seconds and 50 and 100.

Question: Can you create an IntervalSet object called ep_signal and use it to restrict the variable tsd1?

ep_signal = nap.IntervalSet(start=[10, 50], end=[30, 100])

tsd1 = tsd1.restrict(ep_signal)

You can print tsd1 to check that the timestamps are in fact within ep. You can also check the time_support of tsd1 to see that it has been updated.


Numpy & pynapple

Pynapple objects behaves very similarly like numpy array. They can be sliced with the following syntax :

tsd[0:10] # First 10 elements

Arithmetical operations are available as well :

tsd = tsd + 1

Finally numpy functions works directly. Let's imagine tsd3 is a movie with frame size (4,5).

Question: Can you compute the average frame along the time axis using np.mean and print the result?

print(np.mean(tsd3, 0))

Question:: can you compute the average of tsd2 for each timestamps and print it?

print(np.mean(tsd2, 1))

Notice how the output in the second case is still a pynapple object. In most cases, applying a numpy function will return a pynapple object if the time index is preserved.

Slicing pynapple objects

Multiple methods exists to slice pynapple object. This parts reviews them.

IntervalSet also behaves like numpy array.

Question: Can you extract the first and last epoch of ep in a new IntervalSet?


Sometimes you want to get a data point as close as possible in time to another timestamps.

Question: Using the get method, can you get the data point from tsd3 as close as possible to the time 50.1 seconds?


TsGroup manipulation

TsGroup is under the hood a python dictionnary but the capabilities have been extented.

Question: Can you run the following command tsgroup['planet'] = ['mars', 'venus', 'saturn']

tsgroup['planet'] = ['mars', 'venus', 'saturn']

Question: ... and print it?


After initialization, metainformation can only be added. Running the following command will raise an error: tsgroup[3] = np.random.randn(3).

From there, you can slice using the Index column (i.e. tsgroup[0]->nap.Ts, tsgroup[[0,2]] -> nap.TsGroup).

But more interestingly you can also slice using the metadata. There are multiple methods for it : getby_category, getby_threshold, getby_intervals.

Question: Can you select only the elements of tsgroup with rate below 1Hz?

tsgroup.getby_threshold("rate", 1, "<")

tsgroup[tsgroup.rate < 1.0]

Core functions of pynapple

This part focuses on the most important core functions of pynapple.

Question: Using the count function, can you count the number of events within 1 second bins for tsgroup over the ep_signal intervals?

count = tsgroup.count(1, ep_signal)

Pynapple works directly with matplotlib. Passing a time series object to plt.plot will display the figure with the correct time axis.

Question: In two subplots, can you show the count and events over time?

ax = plt.subplot(211)
plt.plot(count, 'o-')
plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax)
plt.plot(tsgroup.restrict(ep_signal).to_tsd(), 'o')

From a set of timestamps, you want to assign them a set of values with the closest point in time of another time series.

Question: Using the function value_from, can you assign values to ts2 from the tsd1 time series and call the output new_tsd?

new_tsd = ts2.value_from(tsd1)

Question: Can you plot together tsd1, ts2 and new_tsd?

plt.plot(new_tsd, 'o-')
plt.plot(ts2.fillna(0), 'o')

Question: One important aspect of data analysis is to bring data to the same size. Pynapple provides the bin_average function to downsample data.

Question: Can you downsample tsd2 to one time point every 5 seconds?

new_tsd2 = tsd2.bin_average(5.0)

Question: Can you plot the tomato column from tsd2 as well as the downsampled version?

plt.plot(new_tsd2['tomato'], 'o-')

For tsd1, you want to find all the epochs for which the value is above 0.0. Pynapple provides the function threshold to get 1 dimensional time series above or below a certain value.

Question: Can you print the epochs for which tsd1 is above 0.0?

ep_above = tsd1.threshold(0.0).time_support


Question: can you plot tsd1 as well as the epochs for which tsd1 is above 0.0?

plt.plot(tsd1.threshold(0.0), 'o-')
[plt.axvspan(s, e, alpha=0.2) for s,e in ep_above.values]


# {.keep-code}
import workshop_utils
path = workshop_utils.fetch_data("Mouse32-140822.nwb")

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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