Matsubara fitting for data generated by discrete poles

In this note, let us illustrate how to perform Matsubara fitting using test data generated by discrete poles with random weights.

Let us first define the inverse temperature \(\beta\) and Matsubara frequencies \(\{Z_n\}\):

\[Z_n = \mathrm i \frac{(2n+1)\pi}{\beta}.\]
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from adapol import hybfit

beta = 20
N = 55
Z = 1j *(np.linspace(-N, N, N + 1)) * np.pi / beta

We will generate Matsubara data evaluated on \(\{Z_n\}\) using the following formula:

\[\begin{aligned} G(\mathrm i\nu_n)& = \sum_{k=1}^{N_p} \frac{|v_k\rangle\langle v_k|}{\mathrm i\nu_n - E_k}, \end{aligned}\]

Where \(|v_k\rangle\) is a \(N_{\text{orb}}\times 1\) vector, where \(N_{\text{orb}}\) is the number of orbitals.

Below is the code for making a \(N_{\text{orb}}\)-dimensional Matsubara data on Matsubara frequencies \(Z\), by summing with \(N_p\) discrete poles.

def make_Delta_with_random_discrete_pole(Norb, Np, Z):
    pol = np.cos((2*np.arange(Np)+1) * np.pi / (2*Np) )
    vec = np.random.randn(Norb, Np) + 1j * np.random.randn(Norb, Np)
    weight = np.array(
        [vec[:, i, None] * np.transpose(np.conj(vec[:, i])) for i in range(Np)]

    pol_t = np.reshape(pol, [pol.size, 1])
    M = 1 / ( Z - pol_t)
    M = M.transpose()
    if len(weight.shape) == 1:
        weight = weight / sum(weight)
        Delta = M @ weight
        Nw = len(Z)
        Delta = (M @ (weight.reshape(Np, Norb * Norb))).reshape(Nw, Norb, Norb)
    return pol, weight, Delta

An example Matsubara data would look like the following:

pol, weight, Delta = make_Delta_with_random_discrete_pole(Norb=1, Np = 10, Z=Z)

plt.plot(Z.imag, Delta[:, 0, 0].real, label='real')
plt.plot(Z.imag, Delta[:, 0, 0].imag, label='imag')
plt.title("Matsubara data")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Matsubara data')

Let us first test the Matsubara fitting for scalar-valued Matsubara functions.

tol = 1e-6 #Fitting tolerance

for Np in range(2, 21):
    pol, weight, Delta = make_Delta_with_random_discrete_pole(Norb=1, Np = Np, Z=Z)
    bathenergy, bathhyb, final_error, func = hybfit(Delta, Z, tol=tol)
    assert(final_error < tol)
    plt.plot(Np, len(bathenergy),"ro")
plt.xlabel("Number of acutal poles")
plt.ylabel("Number of bath orbitals required")
plt.title("Num. of bath orbitals to reach accuracy 1e-6 vs Num. of acutal poles")
plt.xticks(range(2, 21,3))

Similarly, we can test for matrix-valued Matsubara functions:

tol = 1e-6
Norb = 4

for Np in range(2, 10):
    pol, weight, G = make_Delta_with_random_discrete_pole(Norb=Norb, Np = Np, Z=Z)
    bathenergy, bathhyb, final_error, func = hybfit(G, Z, tol=tol)
    assert(final_error < tol)

One can also conduct Matsubara fitting via specifying number of modes \(N_p\) in the hybfit function:

pol, weight, G = make_Delta_with_random_discrete_pole(Norb=4, Np = 10, Z=Z)
bathenergy, bathhyb, final_error, func = hybfit(G, Z, Np=15)
print("Numer of bath orbitals is ", len(bathenergy))
print("Final error is ", final_error)
Numer of bath orbitals is  10
Final error is  6.189103600097627e-10

Triqs Interface

Let us demonstrate how to use our code if the Matsubara functions are given using the TRIQS data structure.

In trqis, the Matsubara frequencies are defined using MeshImFreq:

from import MeshImFreq
Norb = 1
iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta=beta, S='Fermion', n_iw=Z.shape[0]//2)

The hybfit_triqs function could handle TRIQS Green’s functions object GF and BlockGf:

from import Gf, BlockGf
from adapol import hybfit_triqs
Norb = 1
for Np in range(2, 21):
    pol, weight, Delta = make_Delta_with_random_discrete_pole(Norb=Norb, Np = Np, Z=Z)

    #Construct Gf object
    delta_iw = Gf(mesh=iw_mesh, target_shape=[Norb, Norb])[:] = Delta

    #Construct BlockGf object
    delta_blk = BlockGf(name_list=['up', 'down'], block_list=[delta_iw, delta_iw], make_copies=True)

    # Gf interface for hybridization fitting
    bathhyb, bathenergy, delta_fit, final_error = hybfit_triqs(delta_iw, tol=tol, maxiter=50, debug=True)
    assert final_error < tol

    # BlockGf interface for hybridization fitting
    bathhyb, bathenergy, delta_fit, final_error = hybfit_triqs(delta_blk, tol=tol, maxiter=50, debug=True)
    assert final_error[0] < tol and final_error[1] < tol
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